Saturday, December 14, 2013

 Interviews with Jibreel Mawry (of "Motown The Musical") and musician Ronald(Peanut) Frost

This past late summer/early fall, I was asked to conduct some interviews in relation to a show I was asked to co-produce at the time.  I am publishing those 2 interviews now as they are great interviews that deserve to be read about 2 people who have made a difference in the entertainment industry.  These are my work so I decided to go ahead and publish them so that they could be read and enjoyed.

Interview with Jibreel Mawry

Hi Jibreel :) How are you today?

I'm great how r u

Doing well, thank you :)

You're hometown is Detroit, correct? So you come from the Motor City, the place where Motown began?


I had read that you and your mom watched MJ a lot on the computer. Is that where your interest in Michael Jackson originates from?

Yea my mom is an artist too and she used to take me to recording studios with her and her biggest inspiration was Michael so when U got a little older I started to understand that not only was he a great entertainer but he was a humanitarian and he used his gift to help people
That's what really moved us

wow...that's amazing. so your mom is a recording artist?


what kind of music does she focus on in her artistry?

Pop and r and b she writes songs too

That's very cool. So talent runs in the family :)

At what age did you realize you could sing just like Michael? You are 13 now, correct?

I will turn 13 in dec when I was 7 people started saying I sounded just like him so I started to get more into his music

Well, I have to tell you, your voice is amazing. I listened in to your audition video on YouTube and showed it to a few people as well and listening to you is like going back in time and hearing young Michael singing. :)


You are currently touring with Motown The Musical. What has that experience been like for you? What was that process like auditioning and then securing the part?

It destiny I feel like I've been preparing for that role all my life and I have a spiritual connection and people can sense that berry Gordy was holding his mouth to keep from showing how impressed he was and a lot of people cry

wow. I cannot wait to see you perform live. I understand about that spiritual connection. What has it been like working with Berry Gordy?

He's funny and he never passes me without hugging he took a pic with me and said he would put it next to his pic with Michael and he told me that Michael would have been very proud

That's wonderful Jibreel. I bet that was really special for you.

But I'm not with Motown now because I outgrew the role I'm too tall so they have someone else

How does Michael continue to inspire you?
Oh, okay, I understand.

He continues to inspire me with his music and sometimes I have dreams about him
Man in the mirror I listen to it when I need inspiration

That's wonderful. Yes, dreams like that can be powerful.
Man in the Mirror is one of my personal favorites as well.


A quote from "meet the cast" of Motown...."When I sing Michael Jackson songs, I feel his spirit, and I feel his energy come into me, and that just makes me start moving like he did." I love that.

Yea i always feel his spirit and it just takes over

How long were you with Motown the Musical?

6 months starting from the workshop
Because at first they didn't even know if they were gonna have a littl

oh I bet you look on that time as something really special...something for the memory books and stories to tell your kids and grandkids one day

I love that I was introduced to the world as my idol
But I'm working on my own songs now

Not many people can say that, that's for sure. Very special honor.
What kinds of songs are you working on?

Some original pop and r and b songs we have some big time producers lined up in Atlanta and la
And auditioning for Disney

Deborah L. Kunesh

That's amazing. I am so happy for your success.

Thank u

That's wonderful. 

How do you feel about what you have been able to do so far, and also where you are going, at such a young age?

I'm happy with what I've done so far I think no matter what age u are u can not let it go to waste
Can't let your talent go to waste
I don't know where it's going or how I'm getting there I'm just enjoying the journey
And staying true with love in my heart

Great attitude and advice :) Absolutely. God-given talent should never be wasted. You have an amazing attitude Jibreel and are an amazing young man.


Since you and your Mom are fans of Michael's, I'll share the link to my MJ website with you in case you want to take a peek:
Reflections On The Dance Homepage Reflections on the Dance website


Do you have anything else you'd like to add about your experiences or anything else I didn't ask?

Nope that's it

Thank you so much for your time. 

Great thank u see u soon

:) Thank you. Have a great Sunday.

U too

:D Bye for now

 Interview with Ronald (Peanut) Frost

Ronald, or Peanut as he is affectionately known,  has worked with Herbie Hancock, Will Smith, Jewel and so many others and toured with Boys II Men.  Here, he shares about some of the highlights of his music career.

First, what drew you to music? And at what age?

Well it started at birth really. I come from a long line of musicians and singers on both sides. My dad Ronald Nooks is the keyboard player from the Ohio Players.HIs Uncle My great uncle was a well known jazz organist. Then on my moms side of the family I have three cousins that were In the group Lakeside,one whom still is an active member,a cousin that was in the group dynasty who also was a famous writer for groups such as the Whispers,Shalimar ,Leon Sylvers and many more.My grandmother had nine kids and every single one of them could sing and play multiple instruments. So it was just in my blood.

Wow. That's very impressive! I can relate to the music aspect. My Dad is a musician and worked in the local school districts as a band director for many years so I grew up around music. Love to sing and dance. Took piano (I have always wanted to learn to play keyboards) :) Tried to learn the flute unsuccessfully. Great answer. :)

OK! Being a musicians kid is the best.We get to experiance things and life from a totally different aspect.

Yes, absolutely! I used to feel so proud when I got to go along on my Dad's gigs and watch him play....seeing him up there on the stage. That's why I know write about music, because I love it so much.

Can you share some of your musical background and experience to this point? :)

Well let's see, my early years were spent mostly in church playing organ,bass, and drums. during high school i started my own band doing top 40 r&b. We won countless talent shows you the normal teenage band stuff. Then I started playing with some of the older musicians in the city doing the club scene while in college.

Ronald got a phone call at this point...

ok...where was I.

you were talking about your background in music and how you started out :)

So after college I took a job with the Ohio players as a sound tech. At the same time I knew that I wanted to produce music full time. So working for them gave me a lot of time to be in the studio honing in on my craft. So my first gig as a producer came around 94 with an r&b group that i also ended up joining as a singer.They put out an album had a little success made a little money and because of differences they parted ways. But by this time I had the bug. So I went hard at music.Got hooked up with a Joe Coleman from Dayton oH. through family that managed me his . He got me in a few doors.Then took a position with a production company out of Chicago with John Harris and thats when the dream started becoming a reality. Through John and Jimmy white I became a fixture in DJ Jazzy Jeff's A TOUCH of JAZZ.

wow...very cool Peanut :)

At A.T.O.J I worked wit a lot of artist had many placements on albums and in movies. you want to name any of them? :)

Sure !

I had songs on Jill Scott (Whatever Whatever) which was nominated for a grammy,Boys II Men,Algebra,Ghostface from the WuTang Clan, Miri Ben Ari,Jewel, and many more. I've done sessions with Herbie Handcock,Will Smith, Stokely of Mint Condidtion,Tony Terry,Floetry, The Roots and so many more.

Wow Peanut! Quite exciting :) I bet this journey has been amazing for you in so many ways. I know that when you come from music, to achieve things in music is really special.
Out of these experiences, do you have a story or two that stands out?

it is. I actually retired but just recently got back into it because it's my passion and my first love.

:) Yes, it's difficult to retire from your passion. Good for you for coming back. I know we're glad to have you.

Out of the many experiences you've had in music and with so many big names, is there a story that stands out that was especially meaningful to you in some way? From your experiences?

Yeah one that I tell alot. When I started touring with Boys II Men after I finished the throwback album with them. My very first show was in Japan. Well the first night they went to sing What won't do for love,which was a song I produced on that album featuring M.C.Light. The place packed to capacity. So the band started playing and the crowed went nuts. So I had never played in front of so many people let alone a song I had produced,I was amazed at the energy to the point that i did not realize I had stopped playing and was staring at the people until Nathen Morris walked in front of me got my attention while laughing and hey peanut you wanna join us.

lol hahahaha...oh my goodness. That's funny. I can imagine that must have been a very overwhelming and emotional experience for you! Did you plays the keys for them?
I love that story :D

It was . I played bass for them,so that makes it even worse i was the foundation with the drums.LOL

lol well, at least it serves as a funny story now and I imagine gave the and the crowd a good laugh. I love stories like that....keepin' it real :D

okay, how does Michael Jackson inspire you? in what ways?

MJ has musically has always been an inspiration to me. He was a ground breaker when it came to sound,songs video,delivery you name he mastered it. He was not afraid to go against the grain of music. He did what he wanted to do and it all had meaning when he did it. He stayed away from cookie cutter music and sounds. He was leader in the industry. You don't come across artist like him anymore. It will be a long time time before we see another if we see another like him.

yes absolutely, if ever
Great answer, thank you

your welcome

no worries

To backtrack real mentioned touring with Boys II Men. Did you tour with any other artists? I know you mentioned sessions and producing songs, etc.

A few but they were fill-in dates and short stints,except the Philamonics that was a great band.

okay cool.

What inspires you in life and also in your music?

In life my inspirations come from s many things. Experiences I've had,my dad,family,my children,my fiance,and my pastor amongst life it self. As far as my music whats happening around me. I think every persons life is there own little movie so when I listen to or write music I'm writing the soundtrack to my story.

Just so happen that other people like it and want to use it for themselves. LOL

yes, so true. wonderful answer. yes. I think sometimes people miss the inspiration around them but it's always there.

lol, do you mean other people are using your life story for themselves?

 No not use my life but my life music. LOL

Thanks again.  Hope you have an amazing day.

I will do. Thank you.

:) You're welcome